Frank and Maud with friends on board
Frank and Maud Smith migrated to Australia on the Asturias in February 1950 with their three youngest children, Ruth, Susan and James.
Their eldest daughter, Frances Mary Smith, was a trainee nurse at Birmingham Hospital and had to wait until June 1951 until she could
join them.
Frank went to work for de Havilland at Bankstown airport as an aircraft engineer. Ruth started nursing and Maud set about
establishing a family home.
Frances continued nursing at the Scottish Hospital in Paddington and met and married Harry Dunn in Australia.
Southampton - February 8, 1950
All photos attributed to Frances Mary Smith.
Frank & Maud Smith are on the right, but the girl and boy on the left are Susan & James, their children.
Frank, Susan, James and Maud with friends
Maud & Susan on the right, James centre front and the others unknown
Maud, Susan, James & Frank
Relaxing on deck
Ruth, Susan, Frank and James Smith
Unknown, Susan, James, Brenda (Sylvia) Cook
Clearing Aden
Under the lifeboats
Childrens' games on deck
Frank and family and shipboard friends